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Top Resources for Computer Science Learning

For self-starters interested in technology, there have never been so many resources for free online education

List Of Best Resources for Online Learning

Competitive Programming

  1. HackerRank provides you a good platform to solve coding problems with inbuilt compiling and execution platform.
  2. HackerEarth is a website which provides you an environment to prepare for the interviews of various companies like Microsoft,Google,Amazon etc.
  3. Codechef is Non Profit organisation for educational Initiative. Initially Directi codechef started but now Unacademy partenrs it too.
  4. CodeForces This is a Russian website for programming.
  5. Spoj This website provides Online programming contests with online program execution.

Web Development

  1. W3Schools if you’re starting from scratch for web development then i suggest you the best resource for learning. This website provides a good content for web development. Starting from HTML,CSS,JavaScript,PHP and many other web development languages.
  2. CodeAcademy provides free and interactive learning tutorials for various programming languages
  3. Mozzila Developer is a very good source if you want to learn web development.It is a good collection of web development articles by Mozzila.
  4. Frontend Masters is website which has a collection of in depth and good tutorials on front-end and backend developers from industry experts.
  5. CodeSchool is a collection of Video and interactive tutorials.
  6. Nodeschool is website that provides workshops for web software skills.

Machine Learning

  1. Kaggle is website that is collection of huge public datasets uploaded by individuals, companies. It also hosts Data science related competitions. It has platform for running your ML models in kernels.
  2. PyImageSearch this website is owned by Adrian Rosebrock. Website provides a good source of learning Computer Vision and Image Analysis.
  3. Towardsdatascience this is a community of top data scientists from all around the world. Here You can find the important articles related to data science. This website is a part of medium
  4. AnalyticsVidhya  hosts competitions and hackathons related to data science and courses and Jobs also.
  5. Datacamp Learn Python and Data Science Online.
  6. Fastai This website requires only general coding skills to start deep learning course.
  7. Geekycodes is also becoming a good option for this purpose


  1. Coursera is a world-wide online learning platform founded in 2012 by Stanford computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses, specializations, and degree
  2. Skilllsoft is an American educational technology company that produces learning management system software and content.
  3. edX is a massive open online course provider created by Harvard and MIT. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge
  4. Udemy  American online learning platform aimed at professional adults and students
  5. Udacity is a for-profit educational organization founded by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky offering massive open online courses.
  6. FutureLearn is a digital education platform founded in December 2012. The company is jointly owned by The Open University and SEEK Ltd
  7. Simplilearn is an online platform for providing certifications from various world’s top universities.
  8. LinkedInLearning is an initiative launched by LinkedIn for providing a collection of courses and Certifications for resume building.
  9. MasterClass American online education platform on which students can access tutorials and lectures pre-recorded by experts in various fields. The concept for MasterClass was conceived by David Rogier and Aaron Rasmussen.


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