Algorithms Data Structures and Algorithms Interview Interview Questions Python

String Operations: Efficiently Reverse Substrings

Introduction: String manipulation is a fundamental aspect of programming, and understanding efficient techniques for performing string operations is essential. In this tutorial, we’ll explore an efficient approach to reverse substrings within a string, leveraging Python programming and a thorough understanding of string manipulation.

Understanding the Problem: Given a string ‘S’ and a set of ‘M’ operations represented by an array ‘A’, our task is to reverse substrings of ‘S’ based on the specified indices in ‘A’. Each operation involves reversing a substring of ‘S’ from position ‘A[i]’ to ‘len(S) – A[i] – 1’.

Efficient Solution Approach: To efficiently perform the given operations on the string ‘S’, we’ll directly apply the operations on ‘S’ itself. We’ll iterate through the array ‘A’, calculate the start and end indices for each operation, reverse the corresponding substring of ‘S’, and update ‘S’ accordingly.

Algorithm Overview:

  1. Iterate through the array ‘A’ to process each operation.
  2. For each operation ‘i’, calculate the start and end indices for the substring to be reversed.
  3. Reverse the substring of ‘S’ from the calculated start index to the end index.
  4. Update ‘S’ with the reversed substring.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for all operations in ‘A’.

Implementation in Python:

def reverse_string_operations(S, M, A):
    for i in range(M):
        start = A[i]
        end = len(S) - A[i] - 1
        S = S[:start] + S[start:end + 1][::-1] + S[end + 1:]
    return S

# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    T = int(input())  # Number of test cases
    for _ in range(T):
        S = input().strip()  # Read input string
        M = int(input())  # Number of operations
        A = list(map(int, input().split()))  # Operations array
        print(reverse_string_operations(S, M, A))  # Print result after operations
Code language: Python (python)

Time Complexity Analysis:

  • In the given solution, we iterate through the array ‘A’ to process each operation. For each operation, we perform string concatenation and string slicing operations, both of which have a time complexity of O(N), where N is the length of the string ‘S’.
  • Therefore, the overall time complexity of the solution is O(N * M), where N is the length of the string ‘S’ and M is the number of operations.

Conclusion: By leveraging efficient string manipulation techniques and a direct approach to apply operations on the string ‘S’, we’ve successfully solved the problem of reversing substrings within a string. Understanding these techniques and algorithms is crucial for mastering string operations and enhancing your programming skills. Happy coding!

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